Could you help develop the web site further? We really need your help.
One of the advantages of the new web site is that it allows us to share information and reminiscences with our contemporaries.
We’ve asked one or two members already to write a piece about their graduate year for inclusion and these are beginning to be published. You can log in and see them here https://www.somanda.org.uk/graduate-stories/.
These range from detailed histories of the friendship group to shorter pieces providing information on the groups and reunions that have taken place. We’ve been lucky in that people have been able to provide photographs of various vintages to help bring the pages to life.
It was always our intention that these would be introductions that would allow other members of the group and colleagues to get involved. You can use the comments section of these pages to add your own memories and gradually build a richer communication as a result. It may even be a way of making contact with members who have lost contact with others. This section is passworded for this very reason.
As you will see, however, we are a at the start of this journey and there are only a few articles done to date – we want to fill in the blanks as soon as we can.
We want to hear from you – could you write an article about your graduation year group? Or if one is already written, perhaps you could add some interesting additional information and anecdotes in the comments section?
Either way, please consider contributing what you can so that we can build on the excellent content already in place.
Submissions and questions to editor@somanda.org.uk please.
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