In August 2023, we embarked on a fascinating journey participating in the Stovit Summer Course at the University of Airlangga in the vibrant city of Surabaya, Indonesia. Spanning from the 6th to the 16th of August, the course offered a blend of captivating educational and cultural experiences. Our adventure commenced with a heartwarming Welcome ceremony, …
How with Somanda support our students are really making a difference and enriching their skills and experiences along the way. By Sophia Signorini, Ali Al-Naher, Dylan Hamill, Melina Hedayat and Uthman Hamid. A few words from Ali: This summer I embarked on a trip to Uganda with 4 colleagues from the University of Manchester Dental …
My name is Mark Edmondson I qualified in Manchester in 1991 and have very fond memories of the University Dental Hospital. I cant believe it is 28 years ago – seems like yesterday! I stayed in Manchester and worked for a year as a general duties house officer before moving to the 4B’s East Lancashire Maxillofacial Service, …