Pictured: Alec Barcroft, Michael Barker, Jackie Brown, Helen Cowie, John Flitcroft, Michael Howorth, Harry Howell, Ted Hougie, Michael Royale, Margaret Rose, Winston Senior, Colin Taylor, Gordon Taylor.
On 12th June this year the “55” club or LV Society, as they prefer to be called, held their 60th anniversary at Knutsford Golf Club.
Those present were accompanied by family and friends and the families of Arthur Acton and Sid Lund both of whom were very active in the society before their recent deaths were.
Also invited were Professor Paul Coulthard, current head of the Dental School, Dr James Hopkins, representing the University and Professor Nairn Wilson, former Head of the Dental School in Manchester and current President of the BDA accompanied by his wife Dr Margaret Wilson former Consultant in Restorative Dentistry in Manchester, and Maureen Attrill representing SOMANDA.